
野生動物への餌やりについて |Feeding wild animals: Don't do it!

※ Please DO NOT feed wild animals. Doing so is forbidden by law.

  • 人間の食べ物は野生動物にとって、安全な食事では無い場合があります。
  • Human food is not safe for animal consumption.
  • 人間の食べ物の味を覚えると、旅行者の紙袋や鞄等の持ち物を奪う行動をします。結果人へ危害を加える行動をとる野生動物も現れます。
  • When they become accustomed to the smell and taste of human food, wild animals are known to go after the bags and belongings of people. This can lead to dangerous situations for both humans and the animals.
  • 畑や人家の庭等に侵入し農作物を荒らし、多大な被害をもたらします。
  • This can also lead to animals encroaching on farms and gardens, causing damage to crops and people's livelihoods.

When visiting areas which are home to many wild animals ー such as Yakushima ー be sure to behave accordingly. Let's do our best to avoid disturbing wild animals, and work together to preserve the balance of our ecosystem.

You can find find more guidelines via the links below.

