
2024屋久島海祭り&エコフェスタのご案内|Yakushima Eco-Ocean Festival 2024

海祭り 開催日時 令和6年4月20日(土曜日)午前8時~10時 小雨決行・荒天中止
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開催場所 参加集落(海岸・港・砂浜)






清掃終了後、安房川 リバーカヌー ・ SUP 無料体験!




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◎ 屋久島CO2フリ-の島づくりについて皆で考えよう!!

◎ おいしい屋久島新茶の試飲もあるよ!


お問い合わせ先は 屋久島観光協会事務局までお問い合わせください。

主催 屋久島観光協会
共催 屋久島町・屋久島町商工会

後援 (公財)屋久島環境文化財団・屋久島町教育委員会・屋久島町区長連絡協議会・屋久島漁業協同組合・鹿児島県建設業協会屋久島支部・屋久島パークボランティアの会 カヤック屋久島会・屋久島水域ガイド連盟・屋久島ダイビング事業者組合・NPO法人屋久島うみがめ館・永田うみがめ連絡協議会・屋久島セーフティーシーカヤック協会


Ocean Festival : 2024 April 20, 8:00 ~ 10:00 am
Let's work together to clean up our beaches and harbors!
Try out SUP and kayak on the Anbo River afterwards ♬
( May be cancelled due to inclement weather)
☞ Click here for more details! ☜

Participating Villages / Locations

Nagata ・Yoshida ・Issou・Tabugawa・Kusugawa・Funayuki・Matsumine・Anbo・Harumaki・Hirano・Takahira・Hara・Onoaida・Koshima・Hirauchi・Yudomari・Nakama・Kurio

* You can participate at any location of your choice! Simply make your way to the nearest local beach / harbor / coastal area.

*Please bring your own gloves, tongs, and other suitable tools. We will provide the trash bags, which you can later leave at designated areas.

*Please take proper precautionary measures when handling glass, bottles, or metallic objects. If you get injured during this clean-up event, please contact the following number: 0997-46-2333.

We're looking forward to seeing you there!

After the clean-up, you can try SUP and kayaking for free on the Anbo River !

Location:Anbo River(Check-In at Jochiku Shrine)

Time:10 am ~ 12 pm


Eco Festival✧˖°
☞ Click here for more details! ☜

◎ Come by and let's think together about how to reduce our carbon impact!
Here at the Yakushima Tourism Association, we recommend using carbon-free, eco-friendly bags as a start.

◎ Taste some fresh and delicious local Yakushima tea.

Location:Jochiku Shrine (Anbo)
Time:10 am ~ 12 pm

For any inquiries, please contact the Yakushima Tourism Association.

Sponsored by: Yakushima Tourism Association
Co-sponsored by: Yakushima Town Government・Yakushima Chamber of Commerce

With support from: Yakushima Environmental and Cultural Foundation・Yakushima Board of Education・Yakushima Town Ward Headpersons Liason Council・Yakushima Fisheries Cooperative・Kagoshima Contractors Association, Yakushima Branch・Yakushima Park Volunteers・Yakushima Kayak Association・Yakushima Aquatic Guide Federation・Yakushima Diving Cooperative・Yakushima Umigame-kan (NPO)・Nagata Sea Turtle Liason Council・Yakushima Sea Kayak Safety Association