

夕日が落ちるフォトジェニックな絶景 A photogenic spectacular view of sunset

Observation Tower Overlooking the Sidotti Landing Site

1708年10月11日(宝永5年8月28日)、イタリア人宣教師シドッティは屋久島南部の海岸(小島区恋泊)にサムラ イ姿で上陸しました。マニラの港を出て50日目のことでした。シドッティを乗せたサンタ・トリニダード号の船長が残した『航海日誌』の記述から、上陸したの はセンバガウラと呼ばれる入江だったのではないかと推測されます。展望タワーから上陸地点まで直線距離で約1kmほど、翌日、炭焼きの薪を刈りにきた恋泊村の藤兵衛が偶然に遭遇。rその顔つき、その言葉、この国の者にあらず」と驚きながらも平内村の知人とともに自宅に連れ帰り、食事と寝る場所を与えました。


On October 11, 1 708, Italian missionary Sidotti secretly landed in the southern coast of Yakushima (Koidomari, Koshima) dressed as a samurai. It was the 50th day after leaving the port of Manila.Based on the logbook left by the captain of the St. Trinidad, which carried Sidotti, it is assumed that Sidotti landed at an inlet called Senbagaura.

The distance from the observation tower to that inlet is about 1 km in a straight line,

The next day, Tobei from Koidomari Village happened to come across Sidotti, as he came to cut firewood for charcoal. Although he was surprised, saying, "His face and his language don't belong to this country," he and his acquaintances from Hirauchi Village took Sidotti to Tobei's house and gave him food and a place to sleep. Sidotti stayed in Yakushima for 4 7 days, and was escorted to Edo via Nagasaki, where he was interrogated by Arai Hakuseki. Hakuseki wrote "Seiyo Kibun" based on Sidotti's interviews which etched Sidotti's name into history and gave the Japanese a new international perspective.


住所屋久島町小島区山ノ瀬 Koshima Yamanose,Yakushima Town

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